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  1. H

    Oil in air outlet pipe on 2017 Corsa ecoFlex

    My 2017 Corsa EcoFlex is giving me trouble now that a new turbo was installed. Even still, after only 5 miles, the engine still smells hot, and the temperature gauge remains at 84°C with no water loss or indications of water in the oil. I discovered that the air outlet pipe was clogged with oil...
  2. B

    Movable Boot Shelf for Corsa E LE?

    Hey, quick one for anyone with a Corsa E Limited Edition – does it have the same movable boot shelf that some of the earlier models had? My mate's got the Corsa D LE and his has it, but I’m not sure if that feature made it into the Corsa E LE. Anyone got the scoop? Appreciate it..

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